
299 Immobilien in Neodom zum verkauf in España

Neodom hat derzeit insgesamt 314 Wohnimmobilien in ganz Spanien und 7 Gewerbeimmobilien. Diese Agentur hat 23 Miet- und 299 Kaufobjekte. Neodom ist in 6 spanischen Provinzen vertreten.

Neodom is a professional real estate agency of premium level. We work according to the standards of "Family office" and our priorities are - an individual investment strategy for each client, complete confidentiality of information about clients' assets, a full cycle of services for the registration of residence permit documents and further support for the assets of our clients in Spain. All our employees have many years of experience working with VIP clients and are deeply versed in the details and nuances of the real estate market of the Costa Blanca region. Our company specializes in working with clients whose goal is to obtain a residence permit in Spain through investments in liquid real estate. We understand all the tasks of families who have decided to relocate to Spain.
966 530 953